All books listed below are hyperlinks.
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Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem
The Reason for God by Tim Keller
God is the Gospel by John Piper
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The Cross of Christ by John Stott
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert
Serving Our City
Jesus + Nothing = Everything by Tullian Tchividjian
The Gospel & Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Gregory Koukl
The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman
For the City: Proclaiming and Living out the Gospel by Darrin Patrick & Matt Carter
A Christian's Life
The Pleasures of God by John Piper
Gospel Wakefulness by Jared Wilson
Gospel: Recovering the Power that made Christianity Revolutionary by JD Greear
Christless Christianity by Michael Horton
The Gospel-Driven Life by Michael Horton
The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
Death by Love by Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears
Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus by D.A. Carson
Church Planter: The Man, the Message, the Mission by Darrin Patrick
Rid of My Disgrace by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb
The Murder of Jesus by John MacArthur
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller
Living the Cross-Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney
Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry by Mike Wilkerson
Big Truths for Small Hearts by Bruce Ware
The Church and the Surprising Offense of the Love of God by Jonathan Leeman
Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs
God, Marriage, & Family by Andreas Kostenberger
Unceasing Worship by Harold Best
Alone with God by John MacArthur
The Supremacy of God in Preaching by John Piper