Reformation Baptist Church

Reformation Baptist is a Reformed Baptist church that exists to equip people to live lives changed by Jesus Christ. It is our mission to show how the gospel actually makes a difference in every member's life. Following Jesus isn't just what we do on Sundays, but is something that affects our everyday life. We want to show the world that following Jesus is the only way we may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). Jesus gives us this fullness of life through the good news of the gospel. Our God, Jesus Christ, became a man, lived a perfect and sinless life that we failed to live, and died in our place for our sins. On the cross, Jesus satisfied the full wrath of God on our behalf so that through His resurrection from the dead three days later, we might have eternal life (John 3:16-19). 


At Reformation Baptist, we are all about Jesus and following Him. To do this, we focus on two primary ministries: 1. Corporate Worship and 2. Small Group Discipleship. As we come together for Sunday Worship, all of our focus is on Jesus Christ and His work on our behalf. We do this by singing Christ-centered hymns to praise God for saving us, and we sit under the expositional teaching of God's Word. Through preaching God’s Word, we trust the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, give us the grace to repent, and spur us on to follow Jesus with our whole heart. Biblical church membership is the backbone of our church’s life together. With church membership as the foundation, our small groups (called Community Groups) let church members live intentionally with one another in loving relationships to see how Jesus is working in our lives to make us more like Him (Ephesians 4:17-24). The goal of CG is not just to have another Bible study. Instead, we want to see the power of the gospel at work in our lives through confession and repentance of sin as we grow in maturity and godliness by the power of the Holy Spirit with one another.


We love Northwest Arkansas. We see NWA as our primary mission field and want to equip Christians to be a light of the gospel in their family relationships, friendships, and jobs. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations, and at Reformation Baptist that begins right here at home. Reformation Baptist is a place for everyone. From the person who has grown up their entire life in church and are tired of trying to keep up the appearance of religion to the person who has never been to church but knows their sin isn’t the answer for their life, everyone in Northwest Arkansas needs to know the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. We want to be a church who loves their neighbors enough to share the good news of the gospel with them, so that they too can have the fullness of life and worship God. After all, the Bible says, "How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?" (Romans 10:14).