November 14, 2021

Bible Story: Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

Bible Reading: Joshua 3-6

Bible Point: Jesus is the Better Joshua

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How did the Israelites obey God? 

-How is Jesus better than Joshua

Parents, what a faithful man Joshua was. Joshua was told to do something that we probably would have deemed absolutely crazy. But Joshua trusted God and followed His instructions. Joshua was faithful, but God is even more faithful! Joshua obeyed and God did exactly what He promised by destroying the walls of Jericho. Has there been a season in your life where God was calling you to do something that seemed crazy? This week is a great time to talk to your kids about trusting in and obeying the will of God. Share your testimony with your kids and pray with them, thanking Jesus for his faithfulness and the Holy Spirit for giving you the courage and peace to obey. Remind your kids that Jesus is the better Joshua because Jesus has conquered more than a city, but has conquered death itself.


November 7, 2021

Bible Story: Moses, Part Two

Bible Reading: Exodus 5-14

Bible Point: Jesus is the Better Moses

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How did God use Moses to rescue his People? 

-How is Jesus better than Moses?

Parents, this week we finished the story of Moses. We picked up where Moses returned to Egypt, the plagues God sent, Pharaoh letting God’s people go, and the parting of the Red Sea. Again, take time to help your kids make the connections of how the story of Moses points us to the coming of Jesus. Moses was deliverer of God’s people but he was a sinner, just like we are and could not be The Deliverer because of his sin. Jesus was without sin and was a worthy payment for our sin. Jesus is the better Moses.


October 31, 2021

Bible Story: Moses, Part One

Bible Reading: Exodus 1-4

Bible Point: Jesus is the Better Moses

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How did God rescue Moses? 

-How is Jesus better than Moses?

Parents, the story of Moses covers a pretty big portion of the book of Exodus but this week we focused on God saving him from Pharaoh’s evil decree to destroy the Israelite babies, Moses running from Egypt after murdering the soldier, and God calling Moses to deliver the message to Pharaoh. Take time this week to help your kiddos see the story parallels between Moses and Jesus. With each parallel, remind them that while God used Moses to save the Israelites from their circumstances, only Jesus can save God’s people from their sin. Jesus is the better Moses.

October 17, 2021

Bible Story: Joseph

Bible Reading: Genesis 37-46

Bible Point: Jesus is the Better Joseph

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How did Joseph obey God? 

-How is Jesus better than Joseph?

Parents, what a wonderful reminder of God’s provision. Though Joseph was hated by his brothers, wrongfully accused by his master, and forgotten by his friends, he remained faithful to God. God used Joseph to provide for the physical needs of the Egyptians, his brothers, and their families. Yet, for all of his wisdom and faithfulness, Joseph could not provide a cure for the curse of sin on mankind. He was still a sinner and therefore was not worthy to atone for sin. Joseph needed a savior just like we do and praise God for the blessing of Jesus. Jesus is the better Joseph.


October 17, 2021

Bible Story: Noah

Bible Reading: Genesis 6-9

Bible Point: Jesus is the Better Noah

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-What was the source of Noah’s righteousness?

-How is Jesus better than Noah?

Parents, the story of Noah is one we all know well. Talk to your kids this week about how God used Noah to save His creation and how God sent a rainbow to promise that he would never flood the earth again. Even though God made Noah a righteous man, his righteousness was not enough to save him. Our works are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) but because Jesus lived a perfect life, our sins have been atoned for. Noah could save the animals but he couldn’t save his family or himself from sin; only Jesus’ perfect sacrifice can save us from eternal separation from God. Jesus is the better Noah.

October 10, 2021

Bible Story: Adam and Eve

Bible Reading: Genesis 1:26-3:24

Bible Point: Jesus is the Better Adam

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How did Adam’s and Eve’s sin impact their relationship with God? 

-How is Jesus better than Adam?

Parents, believe it or not, Christmas is just around the corner and we are going to spend the remainder of the year focused on big biblical moments and how they lead up to the birth of Christ. This week we discussed Adam and Eve, their sin, and how Jesus is the better Adam. God made Adam perfect. He gave him authority over creation and every need he had was met and Adam still chose sin. As a kid, I thought it was pretty unfair that I never got a chance to live in the garden because I was certain I would not have chosen sin. Why did I have to live under Adam’s curse? Why didn’t I get a chance to show God how I could live without sin. How deceived I was; I choose sin over and over and over again. But praise God he sent a better Adam. Jesus came to Earth, lived a perfect life, and died so that we could be free of the curse. This is a hard concept for littles to grasp but as their parents, we have a sobering job to demonstrate repentance so that one day, they too can accept the gift that God offers through a better Adam.


October 3, 2021

Bible Story: At the Throne Worshipping

Bible Reading: Revelation 7:9-17

Bible Point: To God be the Glory!

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How can we grow our faith in Jesus

-How can we be intentional about worship while we wait for Jesus’ return? 

Parents, every second of time is leading up to this one. The moment when Jesus takes us home and we forever worship our Creator. Help your kiddos look forward to the return of King Jesus. Take a few minutes and talk to them about things that make them sad or frustrated. Then point them to the book of Revelation and how our King has redeemed us, how He is going to perfect us, and how our future will be filled with joy as we worship the God of the Universe.


September 26, 2021

Bible Story: Worthy is the Lamb

Bible Reading: Genesis 49; Revelation 5

Bible Point: Jesus is worthy to fulfill God’s plan.

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How is Jesus like a lamb? Like a lion? 

-What makes Jesus a worthy redeemer?

Parents, Jesus is coming again! Hallelujah! Parenting is tedious work but it is kingdom work and my heart longs for the day when my children will proclaim the good news of King Jesus. Explain to your littles what a prophecy is, show them Old Testament examples of prophecy and how Jesus fulfilled the scripture. Next, remind them of this week's text and that Jesus’s return was prophesied over two thousand years ago. His return gives us hope in something so much better than this world will ever offer.

September 19, 2021

Bible Story: Loving One Another

Bible Reading: 1 John 3:1-4:19

Bible Point: Love people well by sharing the gospel with them.

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How does God show His love for us? 

-How can we show God’s love to our friends and enemies?

Parents, we should always be praying for each other but this week let's be especially intentional about lifting each other up. The world is attacking this biblical truth violently right now. Take time to clearly communicate to your kiddos that God’s version of love and the world’s version of love are very different things. The world says that love is accepting people for who they are but we know this is a distorted and sinful view of love. God loves us so much that he wants to rescue us from our sin, not affirm our sin. Pray with your kiddos that God will give them boldness and wisdom to share His love.


September 12, 2021

Bible Story: By Faith

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11

Bible Point: All believers enter God’s family the same way; by faith.

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-Who are some Christians that have shown you how to have faith in God? 

-What are some tools we can use to grow our faith?

Parents, this is a great opportunity to discuss your family’s spiritual lineage. Who are some believers that have impacted your walk with the Lord? Tell your children about the rich history they have as believers and how every Christian before them can point them to the glory and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father.


September 5, 2021

Bible Story: God’s Word is Living

Bible Reading: Hebrews 4:12-16

Bible Point: Jesus is our redeemer and His living word (the Bible) leads us to repentance.

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-Why does God want us to see the sin in our hearts? 

-How can we have soft hearts to learn from God’s word?

Parents, how wonderful is our Savior!? Take this opportunity to explain to your children the beauty of sanctification. Set an example of repentance and openly pray about a sin issue so that your children have a model of how to seek forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. Take time to explain God’s wrath towards sin but how Jesus, our High Priest, stepped in on our behalf and redeemed our souls. Spill the gospel into your kiddos and pray the Living Word takes root.


August 29, 2021

Bible Story: Born Again!

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:1-12

Bible Point: Jesus has already won our greatest battle.

Questions to ask:

-Do you know that God is in control of your life?

-What do you think suffering means?

-Has God sent a hard thing into your life?

Parents, understanding how a loving God can send hard things into our lives can be a tricky concept for us all, especially children. When we see God’s goodness in the midst of hard times it automatically brings growth, peace, and expands our faith. Tell your children about a time that this very thing happened to you. Encourage them with the truth of God’s Word and tell them you will always be there to help point them to Jesus and walk beside them when the hard comes. But, better yet, God will always be there when they call on Him!


August 22, 2021

Bible Story: The Heart’s Desire

Bible Reading: James 4:1-10

Bible Point: A Christ follower should love God more than the things of this world.

Questions to ask:

-What did James say starts our quarrels and fights?

-Do you become angry when someone tries to take something from you?

-Do you love God more than the things of this world?

Parents, use this time to get a feel for what your child values, how they speak about their belongings, and if they admit to “loving” things more than they should. Admit that this is the case for all humans- it comes with our sin nature. Share ways we can monitor this in our life and keep a watchful eye on our heart and its deepest desire. Maybe have them practice sharing with their sibling or a neighbor and asking the Lord to help them have a giving heart. This in itself will shine the love of Jesus to whoever is watching!


August 15, 2021

Bible Story: God Breathed the Scriptures

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3:1-17

Bible Point: God’s Word is perfect and powerful.

Questions to ask:

-Did God use the Holy Spirit to complete the Bible?

-Do you know what “God breathed” means?

-What value does the Word of God have to the believer?

Parents, share about how God’s Word helped you at a time in your life when nothing else could. Tell them of the freedom there is to be found in His Word. Explain the certainty that comes with scripture that can't be found in anything the world offers! I could go on and on! May it be life giving to your family and your ministry as parents. What a gift He gave us in the Bible!


August 1, 2021

Bible Story: Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Bible Reading: Acts 16:16-40; Philippians 3

Bible Point: The most important thing in life is to know and follow Jesus.

Questions to ask:

-How did the chains come off of Paul and Silas?

-What are some earthly treasures you can think of?

-What are some treasures that a Christian has to be thankful for?

Parents, in our ever changing world, now more than ever, we need to know where our treasure and worth lie. We need to know where true joy comes from. Share with your child about a time that your earthly treasures were endangered or lost. Explain the beauty of the fact that our Heavenly treasure can never be in danger or taken from us. What peace we have as a believer that this is the truth! Rejoice together!


July 25, 2021

Bible Story: The Humility of Christ

Bible Reading: Acts 16:6-15; Philippians 2:1-11

Bible Point: We need to remember all that Christ has done for us and that He humbled Himself, leaving Heaven to come to earth, so that we could have life.

Questions to ask:

-Do you know what humble means?

-Would you ever want to leave a water park to go to a really boring opera concert? Can you imagine how Christ left HEAVEN to come down to earth to be born in a stable?! He must really love us! 

-In what ways can you show humility?

Parents, humility is a difficult concept for children to understand. Share with your children stories of people you have known that have been humble. And contrast that with situations you have been in with prideful people. Help them see the importance of showing Christ love to others through a humble spirit. Allow the Lord to correct your own heart, humbly in front of your children, if there is anything you need to repent of or correct in your own heart. Make humility something to be prized and excited about!


July 18, 2021

Bible Story: The Armor of God

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20

Bible Point: God’s Word is truth and when we wrap it around our lives, it holds everything together.

Questions to ask:

-Have you ever wanted to fight someone?

-Do you feel equipped/ready to fight a battle with sin and the devil?

-Do you see how all the armor points back to the good news of Jesus?

Parents, rejoice in our weapon to defeat the enemy! Explain how God’s Word is our weapon day after day, never failing to protect us. Choose a verse as a family that you can learn together and begin instilling in your children the need to have their arsenal ready for war. AND remind them that we already know the end and who wins. It is those who belong to Christ! Glory!


July 11, 2021

Bible Story: Putting Off the Old Self

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6, 17-32 and 5:1-2

Bible Point: Once God changes our hearts, we can leave our old ways behind and begin a new way of living!

Questions to ask:

-Can you live a new life on your own? 

-What are 2 things that the “old self” might do?

-Who is someone that you see living in their “new self” life God wants us to do?

Parents, spend some time thanking God for examples through people who are living the new life in Christ. Discuss ways that each of your family members could make this a goal and seek God’s help in living a life changed by Christ!


July 4, 2021

Bible Story: The Gift of Men

Bible Reading: Acts 20:17-38; Ephesians 4:1-24

Bible Point: Beware of false teachers and thank God for church leaders who show us how to be more like Christ.

Questions to ask:

-Who has been one of your Bible teachers?

-Do you understand what a “false teacher” is? What did Paul call a false teacher?

-What did Paul’s letter do for believers?

Parents, use this time to help your child understand the dangers of false teaching and how to watch out for this in their own life/world. Tell them about a Bible teacher/pastor who has meant a lot to you and then spend time in prayer for your church staff. They carry quite a burden and love your family so much. We should be so thankful for godly men to lead our church, just as Paul prescribed!


May 30, 2021

Bible Story: Believe & Confess

Bible Reading: Romans 9-10

Bible Point: We are saved from our sins by trusting in Jesus and what he did for us.

Questions to ask:

-Can you be saved by obeying a bunch of rules?

-What does it mean to confess? 

-Are you thankful that Jesus did the hard work for you on the cross?

Parents, make sure you explain that even the demons believe and tremble. Believing is a decision and a lifestyle. Discuss with your family, how your “believing lifestyle” can display God’s love and turn people toward Him, not away from Him. What a privilege to show the love of Jesus!