JULY 28, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 14. Free at Last (Exodus 4-15)

The Big Truth: God saves his people from the Egyptians.

The Gospel Point: Have you noticed a pattern in how God works? Trouble before triumph. Suffering before salvation. Danger before deliverance. The story of our rescue in Jesus is no different. He is rejected by his people. He is arrested, sentenced to die, mocked, spit on, slapped, and finally crucified on a cross. Trouble. Suffering. Danger. But the story isn’t over. Next comes triumph, salvation, and deliverance! Jesus rises from the dead. He triumphs over the grave. Jesus saves everyone who believes in him. And he will return to deliver us from trouble, suffering, and danger. And do you remember that peculiar way God saved the Israelites? Death passed over those who put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts. He did that to give us all a clue about how he would save the whole world later on. Through the blood of a more perfect Lamb, God passes over our sin. Everyone who accepts the blood of Jesus, our sinless Passover Lamb, will be saved. If you believe in Jesus as the perfect sacrifice for your sin, God will pass over you on judgment day. You too can be free at last!

Memory Verse: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him  should not perish but have eternal life.

Catechism: Q: How can you glorify God? A: By loving Him and doing what He commands. (Ecclesiastes 12:13, Mark 12:29-31, John 15:8-10, 1 Corinthians 10:31)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

JULY 21, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 13. God Raises Up a Deliverer (Exodus 1-3)

The Big Truth: God raises up a leader to deliver his people out of slavery.

The Gospel Point: Remember what God called himself in the burning bush? “I am who I am” (Ex. 3:14). God is the always-and-forever God. He always was and always will be. When our Lord Jesus, the eternal Son of God, came to earth, he sometimes called him- self “I am”—the same words God used when he was talking to Moses! Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12) and “I am the resurrection and the life” (11:25). Just in case we were missing the point, he told the Pharisees, “Before Abraham was, I am” (8:58). Jesus existed before Abraham because he has always existed, and he will exist forever. And he exists forever to deliver his people. Just as God called Moses to deliver Israel from their slavery in Egypt, God sent Jesus to deliver sinners from their sins. “Thanks be to God,” the apostle Paul writes, “that you who were once slaves of sin have . . . been set free from sin” (Rom. 6:17–18). In Jesus, we are rescued from sin so we can live for him—the great “I AM.”

Memory Verse: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him  should not perish but have eternal life.

Catechism: Q: How can you glorify God? A: By loving Him and doing what He commands. (Ecclesiastes 12:13, Mark 12:29-31, John 15:8-10, 1 Corinthians 10:31)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

JULY 14, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 12. Joseph's Mean Brothers and What God meant to Do (Genesis 37, 50)

The Big Truth: God works all things according to his perfect plan.

The Gospel Point: Remember how we told you at the beginning of the lesson that this would be a messy story? It sure was. But even through our messes, God works for his good. He intends for our mess to bring about his promised rescue plan. But Joseph’s story isn’t the messiest in the Bible. Hundreds of years after Joseph, the religious and political leaders would reject God’s Son, whom the Father had sent into the world to save us. They beat him and mocked him. They hung him on a cross to die. What a mess! It sure looked like the snake was going to win. But Jesus rose from the dead. He conquered sin. He crushed the snake. His purpose was for this mess to bring about salvation. What a great story! What a great salvation!

Memory Verse: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him  should not perish but have eternal life.

Catechism: Q: How can you glorify God? A: By loving Him and doing what He commands. (Ecclesiastes 12:13, Mark 12:29-31, John 15:8-10, 1 Corinthians 10:31)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

July 7, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 9. Its a Boy (Genesis 21-22)

The Big Truth: God provided a son and a sacrifice for Abraham, the man of faith.

The Gospel Point: The story of Abraham’s (almost) sacrifice of his son, Isaac, is an amazing story. An even more amazing story is the story of God the Father’s (actual) sacrifice of his son, Jesus. Isaac’s story took place on a small mountain; Jesus’s story took place on a hill. Abraham’s beloved son would carry wood for the sacrifice; God’s beloved Son would carry a wooden cross. Isaac’s life was spared because God provided a ram (a male lamb) to be sacrificed in his place. But for Jesus, there would be no ram. Jesus was the sacrifice. Jesus was the Lamb. He carried the wooden cross on his back; he was nailed to the cross. He died. Just as God provided a ram so that Isaac wouldn’t die, God provided Jesus so that we don’t have to die. The promised child of Eve—the Snake Crusher—was the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world and rescued us from death! Our Savior would die for a people who didn’t seem to love God or trust him at all. Through Jesus’s death on a cross, we can receive forgiveness for our sins. What good news. Do you believe this? How will you respond to Jesus? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all believed like Abraham?

Memory Verse: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him  should not perish but have eternal life.

Catechism: Q: How can you glorify God? A: By loving Him and doing what He commands. (Ecclesiastes 12:13, Mark 12:29-31, John 15:8-10, 1 Corinthians 10:31)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

JUNE 30, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 8. The Judge Judges Justly (Genesis 18-19)

The Big Truth: God is the Judge who judges justly.

The Gospel Point: God knows our sins. God shows us our sins. God hates our sins. God judges our sins. And (this is the most important part!) God offers to forgive all our sins in Jesus. You may not come from a city that is filled with people who do bad things all the time. You may live in a town where a lot more than ten people love God and love their neighbor. And people may not call you selfish, proud, rude, mean, angry, and violent. But that does not mean that you are perfect. In fact, there are many sins we all do every day. Just as we saw with Sodom and Gomorrah, God will judge all the earth justly. But God also gives us a way to escape—just like he did with Lot’s family. God’s word tells us the only way for us to escape is to believe in Jesus Christ. To believe that Jesus is the Snake Crusher, who crushed all our sin on the cross. He took on all of God’s judgment for our sin when he died for us. What love! What sacrifice! What good news!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

JUNE 23, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 6. The Father of Nations (Genesis 11-13)

The Big Truth: God promises to bless the nations through Abraham.

The Gospel Point: God made some amazing promises to Abraham: “I will give you the promised land. I will give you a son. I will make you a great nation. I will bless all the families of the earth through your family” (see Gen. 12:1–3). Abraham believed, and then he obeyed. Of course, at that time he had no idea how God would keep these promises. But the rest of the Bible tells us how. First, God gave Abraham a son, Isaac. Then Isaac had a son who had lots of sons. Soon, Abraham’s children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren were a great nation called the people of Israel. God led Israel to the promised land and gave it to them, just as he said he would. But there’s even more to the story. God kept adding people to the family. Here’s how. When Jesus came, he made a way so that all the families of the earth could be part of God’s family, even people who weren’t Israelites. They became known as Christians. And Jesus promised he was going to prepare a place for them—a new and better promised land. Abraham was God’s man to carry out God’s plan to bless all nations through him. And that was just what God did!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

JUNE 16, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 5. A Table and a Tower (Genesis 10-11)

The Big Truth: People wanted to be great, but only God is great.

The Gospel Point: Imagine building the Tower of Babel. One day you say, “Hey, Joe, can you get me more bricks?” And he does. But the next day, after God confused the language, Joe can’t understand a word you say and you can’t understand a word he says. How can you possibly finish building a tower? You can’t, and they didn’t. The people back then were so frustrated that each tribe (the ones who spoke the same language) decided to spread over the earth and find a new place to live. Even this was part of God’s good plan for his people to fill the earth. When Jesus came, he didn’t just save his own tribe (the Jews), but people from every language and tribe and nation (the Gentiles). That is what happened. First, people from Jerusalem believed in him. Then, people from the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Then, people from the Americas and Asia. From the North Pole to the South! And it’s still happening today. Someday, in heaven, God will be praised by people from every nation in languages that all God’s people will understand. And, then and there, we will finally work together to show just how amazing God is.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

June 9, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 4. Rain, Rain Go Away (Gen. 6-9)

The Big Truth: God sent a flood to judge all the wickedness on earth.

The Gospel Point:Have you ever heard a Christian say, “I’m saved”? What does someone mean when they say that? Some people think of being saved from a sickness or breaking a really bad habit. God can and does save people from these things. But when the Bible talks about salvation, it teaches that God saves us from sin and Satan—and also from God’s coming judgment, when God will punish and destroy all that is not good. The New Testament teaches us about Jesus, who was raised from the dead and whom God sent to save us from the punishment to come. Today is not so different than Noah’s day. Some people ignore God. Other people hate God. And lots of people hate one another. God does not like this, and he has promised to judge all sin. He will not destroy people with a flood. Remember the rainbow? But he will punish and destroy all that is not good with fire (2 Peter 3:7: “the heavens and the earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly”). But here is the good news. If we come to Jesus, we will be saved from the coming judgment. Just like Noah was saved! And we too will have a new beginning.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

June 2, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 2. A Very Bad Day (Genesis 3)

The Big Truth: Sin, suffering, and death came into the world because Adam disobeyed God.

The Gospel Point: TIt was a very bad day. God cursed the snake, the man, and the woman. He promised that hardship and death would come to every human. (And it has!) But he also promised a new start. A fresh start. Adam and Eve would die, but not right away. Eve would have children. More than that (much more than that!), one of her offspring—a child that would come from her children’s children’s children’s children—would deal with the snake. Let’s call him the Snake Crusher. We know him as Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the mysterious promise God made:

I will put enmity between you [Satan] and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. (Gen. 3:15)

Satan would hurt Eve’s offspring. He “bruised” Jesus. Jesus died. And yet, the Bible tells us that when Jesus died, he destroyed Satan. He crushed the snake! And God kept his amazing promise to Adam and Eve. Yes, Jesus’s worst day was our best day.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

MAY 26, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 1. And So It Begins (Genesis 1-2)

The Big Truth: A very good God makes a very good world, with humans as his very good image bearers.

The Gospel Point: The story of creation is just the first story of the Biggest Story. In Genesis we will learn that, because of sin, people aren’t very good mirrors. We don’t reflect God very well. But “the Word” (John 1:1) came as “the image of the invisible God” (Col.1:15). He perfectly showed what God is like, and he made a way for our broken mirrors to be repaired so that we could again do the job God created us to do. But the Word isn’t just our Savior. He, with the Father and the Spirit, created everything. This is why, when John begins his Gospel, he uses words like the ones in Genesis 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:1–3). Paul also says of the Son of God that “all things were created, in heaven and on earth, . . . through him and for him” (Col. 1:16). The sun, moon, and stars? Yes! The sea and sky? Yes! The land and plants? Yes! The fish, birds, animals, and humans? Yes! Everything!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

MAY 19, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 104. All Things New (Revelation 21-22)

The Big Truth: When Jesus returns, he will create new heavens and earth with no suffering, sin, or Satan.

The Gospel Point: Throughout the ages and in every country around the world, Christians have made this simple confession of faith: “Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.” We could add to that: “Christ came to earth; Christ was born; Christ lived the perfect life.” We can think of the Son of God’s mission on earth as summarized in those six key events: (1) He left heaven for earth. (2) He was born a human of Mary in the town of Bethlehem. (3) He lived a life without sin, healed the sick, cast out demons, taught truths, and welcomed people to follow him. (4) He suffered and died on the cross on behalf of sinners. (5) He rose in glory from the grave. (6) Someday soon he will come again to gather his people, judge evil, and renew creation. Isn’t Jesus amazing? Yes! Shouldn’t we praise him? Yes! And shouldn’t we long for the day when he returns? Yes, or “Amen.” Let the last line of the Bible (well, the second to last!) be our words now and until Jesus comes: “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20).

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

MAY 12, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 103. The Snake Crusher Wins (Revelation 20)

The Big Truth: The Snake Crusher will judge Satan once and for all.

The Gospel Point: What is described in Revelation 20 can be scary. Are you afraid of the lake of fire? God’s judgment throne? Can you imagine each and every sinful thought, word, and deed being read aloud when people stand before God on judgment day? Scary stuff! We should all fear God. He is an awesome, powerful, and holy God. But if we believe in Jesus, we don’t need to be afraid. Or—to use the images above—if our names are written in the book of life, our future will not be filled with fear but a feast! Revelation 21 describes heaven as being like a wonderful banquet. An all-you-can-and-want-to-eat forever feast! It’s also a wedding feast. Who’s getting married? Get this—the church! Everyone who has followed Jesus. We are called “the Bride, the wife of the Lamb” (21:9). The Lamb (who we know is Jesus) is marrying us. And just like a bridegroom, the Lamb showed how much he loved his bride—not with a ring but with his life. He was slain for us. And now that he has come to life, Jesus invites us to know him and love him as much as a bride loves her husband on the wedding day.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

May 5, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 102. The Center of the Universe (Revelation 4-5)

The Big Truth: God is the center of all creation and worthy of all praise.

The Gospel Point: When the Lamb (who is also the Lion!) took the scroll, a short song was sung:

Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, or you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth. (Rev. 5:9–10)

That song might sound complicated, but the ideas in it are simple—and super important. We praise Jesus for the good news that he alone is holy enough to open the sealed scroll. And that he alone made the blood sacrifice on the cross that set sinners free from our slavery to sin. More than that, Jesus’s death turned unholy people into priests. We don’t make sacrifices in the temple, like priests in the Old Testament did. We sacrifice ourselves by giving our whole lives to God (see Rom. 12:1–2). And we don’t do this alone. No, Jesus has gathered in his kingdom people from every nation around the world and throughout time. That’s a big kingdom! That’s a good kingdom. That’s the perfect kingdom that every follower of Jesus will live in someday. That makes me want to shout and sing to our amazing God.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: Why did God make all things? A: For His own glory (Psalm 19:1, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 4:11, 5:13).

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

APRIL 28, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 97. No Nothing (Romans 8)

The Big Truth: In Jesus, God loves us always and forever.

The Gospel Point: We need God to keep us safe from all the dangers that exist in our fallen world. And we need regular reminders that he can and he will! The letter to the Romans is Paul’s way of reminding us that God will keep us safe if we trust in Jesus. Think of it like this—Jesus is like a boat that carries us all the way to our home in heaven. If we leave Jesus, we leave our place of safety. As long as we keep following Jesus, there is nothing that can separate us from God. Not death, not bad dreams, not bad people, not cancer, not car accidents, not things in the sky or things in the sea—nothing. We know through Jesus that the snake has been crushed, that our sins have been paid for, and that death has been defeated. We have nothing to fear! We are safe. Safe in Jesus. If that isn’t good news, then nothing is!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: What else did God make? A: God made all things. (Genesis 1, esp. vv. 1, 31, Acts 14:15, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

APRIL 21, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 92. Peter Eats and a Soldier Believes (Acts 10)

The Big Truth: The good news about Jesus is for both Jews and Gentiles.

The Gospel Point: Out of all the nations God called Israel to be his chosen people. They weren’t chosen because they were the biggest group—or the richest, strongest, or best looking. God chose them to show his great mercy. And although he chose to save Israel, God’s calling of Abraham showed he had a bigger plan in mind, one that was always God’s plan A and that he would reveal more fully over time. He promised Abraham that all the nations would be blessed through him and his offspring (see Gen. 12:1–3). We see this plan unfolding throughout the Old Testament: people from other nations (Gentiles) believe the word of the Lord (e.g., Rahab, Ruth, and the Ninevites) and experience God’s blessings and salvation. We see it more clearly in the New Testament: with the coming of Jesus, the promised King of the Jews, an open invitation was extended to both Jews and Gentiles to receive all God’s blessings through faith in Jesus. Through these stories we learn that God’s grace knows no limits. Even the worst of sinners, like Saul, can be saved; even Roman soldiers, like Cornelius, can be saved. The wideness of God’s mercy includes all people from all nations—whoever trusts in Jesus!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: What else did God make? A: God made all things. (Genesis 1, esp. vv. 1, 31, Acts 14:15, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

APRIL 14, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 91. Saul Sees the Light. (Acts 9)

The Big Truth: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

The Gospel Point: How did Saul become a Christian? Jesus himself met him and saved him. Saul received the Holy Spirit and was baptized. He was also given the special job of preaching the gospel. He went from persecutor to preacher. Do you think that someone as bad as Saul can become a Christian even today? Of course! God’s grace knows no limits. God can, and does, call greedy tax collectors (like Zacchaeus), the demon possessed (like the crazy man of the cemetery), and merciless murderers (like Saul). Saul also went by Paul. In Paul’s many letters, he wrote about his life before and after his Damascus road experience. Before he encountered Jesus he was “a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent” (1 Tim 1:13), someone who “persecuted the church violently and tried to destroy it” (Gal. 1:13). Jesus saved Saul to show how patient and loving a Savior he is. No one is too bad to be saved. Anyone who confesses that he is sinner (however big or small the sins), asks for forgiveness, and believes that the Snake Crusher died for him can be saved. That’s what’s so great about the gospel. Paul put it this way: “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” (1 Tim. 1:15). This gospel is great news worth sharing with the whole world, no matter how far people seem from God!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: What else did God make? A: God made all things. (Genesis 1, esp. vv. 1, 31, Acts 14:15, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

April 7, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 85. The Spirit Comes (Acts 2)

The Big Truth: The Spirit was poured out so people might hear the gospel and be saved.

The Gospel Point: The prophet Joel had a vision of what it would be like when God’s kingdom came and the Snake Crusher ruled over it. In that vision God poured out his Spirit on all people: men and women, young and old. Now that the Snake Crusher had come, that vision was coming true. It all began at Pentecost. The Spirit came down and enabled his followers to preach in different languages so that God’s kingdom could spread. It spread and spread and spread, from that small group of disciples to all nations. The book of Acts tells the story of how the gospel spread from Jerusalem to every part of the world. Jesus’s rescue mission had begun, and it cannot be stopped. The kingdom of God is coming, just as Joel foretold!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: What else did God make? A: God made all things. (Genesis 1, esp. vv. 1, 31, Acts 14:15, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

MARCH 31, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 83. Jesus Lives (Luke 24)

The Big Truth: Jesus rose from the dead—just like the Old Testament said he would.

The Gospel Point: One day after Jesus’s death, two of his followers were walking away from Jerusalem when Jesus walked up to them and asked what they were talking about. They didn’t recognize him. So they shared how their “chief priests and rulers delivered [Jesus] up ... and crucified him” (Luke 24:20). They said they “had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel” (24:21). They also shared how the women went to the tomb, found it empty, and saw angels “who said that he was alive” (24:23). But they didn’t believe all this. That’s why they were walking away. Jesus stopped them and said, “Why are you so dumb?” Well, he didn’t say it exactly that way. He said it this way, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (24:25–26). Then, starting with Genesis and ending with Malachi, he taught them from the Old Testament about himself. “It was written,” Jesus said “that I should rise from the dead and that the good news that sins are forgiven should be preached to all the nations” (see 24:46–47). Jesus rose from the dead, just like the Old Testament said. Those two followers understood and believed. And that is the good news we should believe too!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: What else did God make? A: God made all things. (Genesis 1, esp. vv. 1, 31, Acts 14:15, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

MARCH 24, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 82. The Snake Crusher is Crushed for Us (Mark 15)

The Big Truth: The Snake Crusher was crushed for us.

The Gospel Point: Who is the Snake Crusher? Why is Jesus called that? That name goes back to one of the earliest promises in the Bible, when God said to the serpent who deceived Eve in the garden of Eden, “Because you have done this, there will be a long and great struggle between you and Eve’s offspring until the day when a child is born from her family who will crush your head once and for all” (see Gen. 3:14–15). Jesus is that child. Jesus is the Snake Crusher. He’s the son of Mary and the Son of God. But what is surprising in our story is that the Snake Crusher is crushed. Although he had never sinned, he was punished by God for all the sins of the world. Why? So we wouldn’t have to be punished. Jesus was crushed so we don’t have to be crushed. He took the punishment for us. That’s why it was a Good Friday. And the Snake? He will still be crushed just as it was promised. But that’s a story for another day.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: What else did God make? A: God made all things. (Genesis 1, esp. vv. 1, 31, Acts 14:15, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.

MARCH 17, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 84. A Mission for the Ages (Matthew 28)

The Big Truth: The King of heaven and earth calls his followers to make disciples of all nations.

The Gospel Point: Jesus said many things to his disciples after he rose from the dead. But the final thing Jesus told his disciples to do was so important that we call it the Great Commission. The word “commission” just means “command.” And what is the Great Commission? Jesus commanded this: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” He wanted to make it crystal clear that he didn’t just come to rescue his disciples, or just the Jews. He came to rescue all people—from every country and every language. Every group of people. What a great command indeed! And the best part is, if Jesus, who has all authority over everything, tells us to do something, we can be sure he will help us complete that task. In fact, he promises to be with us always! As we tell people about how they can be rescued by Jesus and how he has crushed the snake, we help accomplish his mission to rescue all people. How awesome is that!

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Catechism: Q: What else did God make? A: God made all things. (Genesis 1, esp. vv. 1, 31, Acts 14:15, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.