
Please read the following to complete the first module of the Membership Process:

  1. Read Reformation Baptist’s Doctrinal Statement that all Members must affirm to join.

  2. Read Reformation Baptist’s Membership Covenant that all Members commit to live by.

  3. Read Reformation Baptist’s Bylaws to understand how membership, leadership, and church discipline work.

  4. Read Reformation Baptist’s Mission and Vision to see what God is doing for the Kingdom through our Church.

  5. Get to know our Pastors and Deacons.

  6. Special Note: Reformation Baptist Church holds a high view of baptism and believes every member of a church needs to be baptized in a Christian baptism. Below is a brief summary of what we understand a Christian Baptism to be:
    1. You had genuine faith in Christ and you were baptized as a public profession of that faith
    2. You were baptized by a body of Trinitarian believers (Trinitarian = God is One God and three distinct persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Each person fully, equally, coeternally God)

    3. You were baptized by a body of believers who believe and proclaim the orthodox gospel handed down from Christ and the Apostles: Salvation is by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ Alone. No works, including baptism, contributes anything to our salvation. In other words, your church did not teach baptismal regeneration or that you receive the Holy Spirit at baptism (i.e. Church of Christ, etc.)

    4. You were baptized by full immersion (Rather than sprinkling or dripping)

    *If not yet baptized Reformation Baptist will be happy to baptize you after you’ve gone through the Membership Process.

    *If you have any questions regarding a previous baptism, please ask one of the Elders.

Continue on to Module 2.

Please note: If you have any questions at all, please contact the Elder walking with you through this process.