October 20, 2019
The PROCESS of being THE CHURCH here at Metro!
We are spending 3 weeks to introduce our church’s process to Little Metro.
Lesson 2: Commit to the Mission
And how do we do that?
We tell our friends about what Jesus has done for us. (When we are excited about something, we can’t stop talking about it!)
Pray for our friends and others who do not love Jesus, and pray for our church to be able to teach people to go and tell others about Jesus.
Look up our verse for today and read it together. This is THE MISSION for all Christ followers! “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15
Parents, describe a time you shared with a friend about what Jesus has done for you. Also, give them examples of how you can bring Jesus up when you are in conversations with people.