
May 9, 2021

Bible Story: God loves a cheerful giver.

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 16: 1-4; 2 Corinthians 8-9

Bible Point: When we understand everything comes from God, including our money, it is easier to share with others.

Questions to ask:

-Do you like to share?

-When we give, what attitude should we have, according to the Bible?

-For those of us who love God, what should our treasure be?

Parents, do you have a “giving story”? Maybe a time that God had to show you what your attitude should be when you give. Has there been a moment when you considered not giving to God? How did this turn out? I think it is so important for our children to hear from us about how we have walked with God over the years. They are learning from us everyday and don’t you want them to learn eternal lessons!