December 8, 2024

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 41. What Isaiah Saw (Isaiah 6)

The Big Truth: God is holy, and only God can make us holy.

The Gospel Point: How could Isaiah’s sins be forgiven? What was the vision of the burning coal supposed to represent? The rest of Isaiah fills in the picture. It speaks of a servant who would suffer so that our sins could be forgiven (Isaiah 53). It tells us that the sign of his coming would be a virgin (Mary!) conceiving and bearing a son who would be known as “Immanuel” (Isa. 7:14), which means “God with us.” And it says that this deliverer would sit on David’s throne and rule over a never-ending kingdom of peace (Isa. 9:7). Any guess who this could be? That’s right! Jesus! The sacrifice on the altar that allows our sins to be forgiven isn’t ultimately a piece of coal. It’s Jesus, who gave himself up so that we could be forgiven.

Memory Verse: John 14:15 If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Catechism: Q: Where do you learn how to love and obey God? A: In the Bible alone. (Job 11:7, Psalm 119:104, Isaiah 8:20, Matthew 22:29, 2 Timothy 3:15-17)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.