FEb 23, 2025

Parents, what a joy it is to serve your precious arrows on Sunday mornings! The Little Reformers team wants you to always have full visibility to what we are teaching your kids. It is important to us that we be effective partners to you, reinforcing what you work hard to teach your children at home. Each week, we update this section of the website to reflect the lesson, the big truth, gospel point, verse, and catechism your child(ren) will learn while in our care. We hope this resource is a help to you and gives you confidence as you train up your children in the way they should go.

Bible Story: Chapter 70. Glory Mountain (Matthew 17)

The Big Truth: Jesus is the glorious Son of God, who is perfectly holy.

The Gospel Point: Jesus asked an all-important question, “Who do you say that I am?” (Matt. 16:15). We learned that the answer is Jesus is the Christ and the Son of the living God. Here, on Glory Mountain, what else do we learn about Jesus? We learn that he is the glorious Son of God, who—like God the Father and Spirit—is perfectly holy (like the brightest light in the universe). That’s who Jesus is. Now think about this. It would be surprising if a good man died for our sins. It would be amazing if a very important person—like a king or queen—would take the punishment that we deserve. It, then, is truly astounding that Jesus—the King of glory—should lay down his life for us and die in our place. Peter, James, and John were confused, afraid, and surely stunned on the day Jesus took them atop the mountain. And while we should be amazed, we should not be fearful because we can take comfort in knowing Jesus died for us on Mount Calvary,

a hill outside Jerusalem. He showed his glory to us by dying and rising again. What a glorious King!

Memory Verse: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Catechism: Q: What is sin? A: Sin is any transgression of the Law of God. (1 John 3:4, Romans 3:20, James 2:9-11)

Sources: Bible stories from The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin DeYoung. Catechisms from Truth and Grace Book 1 by Tom Ascol . The Big Truth and the Gospel Point taken from The Biggest Story Bible by Kevin DeYoung, published by Crossway.