
February 9, 2020

Bible Story: The Tabernacle

Bible Reading: Exodus 25-26

Bible Point: God wants to dwell among His people.

Questions to ask:

-What is a tabernacle? 

-Why did God have His people build the tabernacle? 

-How does it make you feel that God wants to be WITH you?

Parents, point out “evidence” of God living IN you… discuss how we are His tabernacle now and Jesus is the sacrifice on the altar so we can live in relationship with God forever. Ask your child if the world should be able to see evidence that God lives in us.  This is convicting for us all to live in a way that others can see Jesus in us and that His light shines through us... like a lamp sitting in a window shines out into the night!


February 2, 2020

Bible Story: God Gives Moses the Ten Commandments

Bible Reading: Exodus 20:1-24

Bible Point: None of us can obey God perfectly, but Jesus takes away our sins and gives us His perfect record of obedience. 

Questions to ask:

-Why did God give us the Ten Commandments?

-Who sins?

-What did Jesus do to make a way for our sins to be forgiven?

Parents, tell you kiddo(s) about a commandment(s)  you failed to keep and what God has done in your life to redeem the brokenness of your sin. Encourage them that you are not perfect and that you need forgiveness every day. Take a minute to pray and thank God for “rules” to keep us safe and thank Him for sending Jesus to forgive us because we break the rules.


December 15, 2019

Bible Story: Jesus Presented in the Temple

Bible Reading: Matthew 2:16-Luke 2:22-52

Bible Point: God is willing to take our sins and give us His sinless life.

Questions to ask:

-Did you know that Jesus never sinned? Not even once!

-What did Jesus say to his parents when they found him in the temple?  We should be about our Father’s business too.

-How can we be like Anna in the Bible story?

Parents, discuss how your family can tell others about Jesus or share a time that you told someone about Jesus. Role play conversations that might happen at school, work, the grocery store...


December 8, 2019

Bible Story: The Birth of Jesus

Bible Reading: Matthew 1:18-2:15, Luke 2:1-21

Bible Point: Jesus brought good news!

Questions to ask:

-Why was Jesus’s birth considered good news?

-Would you be afraid if a great Heavenly host appeared to you? Were the shepherds?

-How did the wise men know where to find baby Jesus?

Parents, share about a time that you were afraid but realized God had a plan! Tell your children His plan is always for our good. Praise God together for the perfect plan and gift of Jesus.


December 1, 2019

Bible Story: The Birth of Jesus Foretold

Bible Reading: Luke 1

Bible Point: Jesus was the most special baby ever born because God is His Father.

Questions to ask:

-What special thing does the angel say about Jesus?

-What name did Mary give her baby? Who told her what to name Him?

-Why is Jesus’s birth so special?

Parents, imagine with your children what life would be like if Jesus hadn’t come to earth! Egh! Thank God for the hope Jesus brought with Him!  Then share about how special it was when you discovered you were carrying them! In case of adoption, how special it was when you knew they were going to become yours!


October 20, 2019

The PROCESS of being THE CHURCH here at Metro!

We are spending 3 weeks to introduce our church’s process to Little Metro.

Lesson 2: Commit to the Mission

And how do we do that? 

  1. We tell our friends about what Jesus has done for us. (When we are excited about something, we can’t stop talking about it!)

  2. Pray for our friends and others who do not love Jesus, and pray for our church to be able to teach people to go and tell others about Jesus. 

Look up our verse for today and read it together. This is THE MISSION for all Christ followers! “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

Parents, describe a time you shared with a friend about what Jesus has done for you. Also, give them examples of how you can bring Jesus up when you are in conversations with people. 


October 13, 2019

The PROCESS of being THE CHURCH here at Metro!

We are spending 3 weeks to introduce our church’s process to Little Metro.

Lesson 2: Commit to the Church

And how do we commit to the church? Remind them it’s the people, not the building.

  1. Be joyful and make the best of time in Little Metro.

  2. Pay careful attention to our parents and other adults during family services to see what it looks like to love church.

  3. Finally, go home and think about the ways we can follow Jesus better in our lives based on the preaching/lesson.  In other words, take church home with you.

A verse we learned today, Psalm 98:4, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” 

Parents, share with your children why you are a part of Metro and tell them what being a part of church has been like for you.


October 6, 2019

The PROCESS of being THE CHURCH here at Metro!

We are spending 3 weeks to introduce our church’s process to Little Metro.

Lesson 1: Commit to God (this means to promise to love Him)

And how do we do that… (First, see if your children can recall any of the answers?)

  1. We must belong to Him.

  2. We must love the church.

  3. We must live in a way that obeys Him.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15

Parents, discuss how you  commit to God. Tell them what this looks like for you and your house.

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September 22, 2019

Bible Story: God Protects Baby Moses

Bible Reading: Exodus 1:1-2:10

Bible Point: Even when someone does something bad, God can use it to make our lives better.

Questions to ask:

-Why did the midwives disobey Pharaoh?

-What special job does God have planned for Moses?

-The plan for Jesus to die was terrible, but it made our lives better, how was Jesus’ death a good thing for you?

Parents, encourage your child with a story from your own life about something awful turning out good because God made it that way.  (Remember Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”)

September 15, 2019

Bible Story: Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers 

Bible Reading: Genesis 43-46

Bible Point: God’s plan is always perfect even if it hurts 

Questions to ask: 

-Could you be nice to your brother or sister after they do something so mean to you?

-Who does Joseph say is in control of everything that happened?

-How does it make you feel that God forgives you for bad choices you’ve made?

Parents, tell your child about a time that someone showed you grace when you didn’t deserve it. Explain to them how it made you feel and how it makes you want to show others that same grace!


Bible Story: God Provides for the Israelites in Famine

Bible Reading: Genesis 42 

Bible Point: Joseph had faith in God’s plan

Questions to ask:

- How would you like eating the same thing for 7 years?! 

- What does it mean to show mercy to someone? How did Joseph show mercy to his brothers?

- Have you ever tried to hide sin like Joseph’s brothers tried to hide their sin?

Parents, tell your child about a time you had to do the right thing even though it was very hard or about a time you tried to hide your sin and how that turned out.

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Bible Story: Joseph Interprets the Dreams 

Bible Reading: Genesis 40-41

Bible Point: God helps us do difficult things 

Questions to ask:

-Why did Potiphar like Joseph and put him in charge of the whole house?

-Joseph trusted God to get him out of prison. What do we need to trust God for?

-Did God ever leave Joseph? Will He ever leave you?

Parents, share with your child about a time in your life that you had to do something hard and God helped you do it.