December 5, 2021

Bible Story: Josiah

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 34:1-33

Bible Point: Jesus is the Better Josiah

Questions to ask:

-How does this scripture point us to the gospel? 

-How did God convict Josiah? 

-How is Jesus better than Josiah?

Parents, the story of Josiah might be one of my favorites. God worked through the heart of a little child to purge wickedness from Judah. Manasseh and Amon, Josiah’s grandfather and father, were evil men and under their reign, there were many altars raised to idols and the temple of God was left in disrepair. Josiah treasured God’s law even though he was brought up in a household that despised God and indulged in heinous immoralities. This is a beautiful opportunity to explain to your kiddos that you don’t have to be an adult to obey God, obedience to God is a choice regardless of what everyone around you is doing, and that even in their youth, our kids can be an example “in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” 1 Tim 4:12. Pray for your kids that the word of God would pierce their hearts like it did Josiah’s and that they would stand firm in the face of persecution. Remind your kids though that even though Josiah was a godly king, he cannot be our Eternal King. Josiah was only able to temporarily purge evil from Judah. Jesus is better than Josiah because he purges sin from our heart.